Comparison of data traffic policies: VMware Rézau vs. Amazon, Azure and Google Cloud

 A schematic representation in which two data structures, one blue and one yellow, symbolize distinct cloud services. They are connected by wavy bands, evoking bandwidth, which cross a transparent central space with dotted contours, representing unlimited network connectivity. This illustrates Rézau's offer of unlimited bandwidth and traffic as part of its cloud services.

Migration to the cloud has dramatically increased companies' dependence on reliable, cost-effective data networks. Managing data transfer costs has become a major issue in corporate cloud strategy. While giants such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) charge per GB for data transfer, Rézau stands out with an unlimited traffic offer. This article explores the implications of this difference and its impact on corporate IT decisions.

Amazon, Azure and Google Cloud's per-GB billing policy

AWS, Azure and GCP have pricing structures that include charges for outbound data transfer. These costs can increase rapidly, especially for companies managing large amounts of data, making budgeting more complex and sometimes unpredictable.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

AWS charges for outgoing Internet data transfers on a sliding scale based on volume. Although the first few GB per month are often free, charges increase as the volume of data transferred increases.

Microsoft Azure

Similarly, Azure follows a progressive pricing structure for outgoing data, with the first GB free and additional charges after this threshold, based on a tiered pricing scale.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

GCP also offers a certain amount of free data transfer per month, but beyond this allowance, data transfers are charged for. Prices may vary according to region and data volume.

These costs can be a challenge for companies that need to move data regularly between their local servers and the cloud, or between different cloud services.

Rézau's unlimited traffic offer

Rézau offers a different approach, providing unlimited network traffic for outgoing data transfers to the Internet. This approach offers cost predictability and means companies don't have to worry about managing and optimizing traffic to avoid unexpected charges.

Benefits of unlimited traffic

  • Predictable costs: Companies can budget their IT costs without worrying about additional charges for data traffic.
  • Simplified management: The absence of additional charges eliminates the need to constantly monitor data traffic to avoid unforeseen costs.
  • Barrier-free innovation: Companies can innovate and experiment without the constraint of data transfer costs, which is essential for data-intensive applications.

Why is this difference significant?

Per-GB pricing can become prohibitively expensive for businesses that depend on large, regular data transfers. In comparison, Rézau's offer can offer significant advantages:

  • Economies of scale: the more data a company consumes, the greater the savings compared with the pricing structures of other cloud providers.
  • Operational flexibility: The ability to transfer data without restrictions opens the door to more flexible operations and the adoption of hybrid cloud services.
  • Performance optimization: Companies can focus on optimizing performance without worrying about the financial impact of the volume of data transferred.


Rézau's approach to unlimited traffic offers a clear competitive advantage for companies handling large amounts of data. Comparison with the data transfer cost structures of AWS, Azure and GCP reveals the importance of fully understanding the financial implications of a company's cloud computing strategy. Hidden costs can add up, and choosing a provider that offers unlimited traffic like Rézau can lead to substantial savings, simpler management and better budget planning, freeing companies from the worry of unexpected data transfer costs.

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